Vinyasa Flow: Feel Good Flow

Vinyasa Flow: Feel Good Flow

Style: Vinyasa Flow
60 minutes
Shoulders, side body, twists, hips and quads
Props: 2 x Blocks & Belt
Date Recorded: 06/05/2021
Our yoga practice can serve us however we're feeling in the moment. Maybe it is to invigorate, energise and burn off the thoughts. Maybe it is to find moments of calm and peace when find ourselves racing through life. This flow has only one intention - to feel good! Let this flow be your reset button; that feeling when you take a deep sigh at the end of the day when you know your work is done. We will flow and stretch out the side body and shoulders, open the chest, twist out the spine and stretch the quads and hips so we can breathe in calm and let the lips curl into a smile that we can take with us off our mat =)
