Ashtanga 01/05/2021: Rock the Block

Ashtanga 01/05/2021: Rock the Block

Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Use of props
Props: 2 x blocks
Date Recorded: 01/05/2021
In this practise we use blocks to vary and emphasise the alignment of some standing and seated postures so we can notice the subtle changes in sensation in the hamstrings and hips. We use a block to build strength in the back muscles, the core and to extend our arms in the vinyasa pick-ups!  Finally we use the blocks in urdhva dhanurasana; placing the blocks under the hands can help if you are tight in the arms and shoulders, whilst placing the blocks underneath the feet can help if you are tight in the hip flexors and quads.  This class will encourage you to use props to support and enhance your practise and maybe you will be curious to find a new way to spice up your practice x
