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Vinyasa Flow
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Happy, Healthy Balanced, Whole
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 02/04/2020
As we all acclimatise to a new way of living and working, these new routines (or lack of old ones!) can take their toll on the body and our overall sense of well being. So think of this sequence as a grand tour of the body, taking a little time to release tension from shoulders & hips, to build a little heat to burn off thoughts, to find peace in being grounded and to use the breath to create space and let go.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Balance
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 09/04/2020
Fire up your core and find your balance. Each day our practice is different and serves a different purpose; in this session we will build fire to burn the thoughts, letting the emotions rise so we can let them go and replace them with soothing breath. We will stay grounded and find stability in some standing balances and we will build strength and flexibility preparing us to play with some fun arm balances (always optional, of course!)
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Backbends
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 16/04/2020
I've certainly been feeling the effects of more laptop time since yoga went digital! Hunching over a laptop leads to over-stretched back muscles and a rounding in the chest and a literal pain in the neck! So we will release tension in the shoulders, chest and quads as we prepare for gradually deeper back bends to strengthen the back, create space all along the front of the body and energise the mind 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Core
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 23/04/2020
We will sail the waves of thoughts, feelings and emotions with a core focus and a boatload of navasana! We will hold a little longer in some familiar favourites to remind ourselves that we are stronger than we may think. Getting strong often includes uncomfortable and challenging moments. And it's that ability to move past that initial reaction of "this is hard, I dont want to do this" and move into that deeper place where you know you have what it takes. It's just getting mind to hush...We will make our breath louder than our thoughts. We will find the balance between strength and surrender with some lovely supine counterposes. And we will know that all we need to do is show up.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Arm Balance
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 30/04/2020
You have probably already realised I love an arm balance! I love the combination of strength, exhilaration and calm you feel as you teeter on the brink of balance... taking a chance and upping the ante is all part of the beautiful process of yoga. Yes, you will most likely fall the first time you attempt something challenging and new - but to show-up and and try is more important than any "achievement" of the posture. Having the courage to take a risk, to accept that everything is in constant motion, to learn to expose yourself to this mini "stress" in a manageable environment can teach us wonderful lessons about ourselves and our reactions. Embracing this healthy risk-taking is where we learn how to face resistance, where we learn to adapt and cope and where we can find true security.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Core and legs
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 07/05/2020
Rest your wrists: being grateful for all the wonderful strength that our wrists help us build with planks, chaturangas and down-ward dogs...but sometimes our hard-working wrists need a rest! So tonight we'll flow through a dynamic sequence powering up the legs and switch up the vinyasa's with a smattering of core and back bends ...and I promise some lovely long-hold hip openers to finish 😁 x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hamstrings, quads, hip flexors
Props: Blocks, bolster, blankets
Date Recorded: 14/05/2020
Named after the Monkey God Hanuman who leapt from the southern point of India to Sri Lanka, this week we will set a slow and steady pace to prepare the hips and hamstrings to work towards (yes, towards...) hanumanasana a.k.a. frontal splits! This pose is challenging but can also be fun when we let go of the little voice pushing us to achieve; there will be lots of prep and variations offered throughout so you can find the variation to suit you. Dedication and practise will allow the posture to unfurl so trust your body will take you to wherever it needs to be and enjoy the monkey leap!
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Side body
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 25/05/2020
Long hours of sitting in one position can leave us longing for some lovely stretches to release tension. In our day-to-day activities we probably don't side stretch much at all. And even in some styles of yoga, such as Ashtanga, there are very few pure side-stretches. But by bending sideways we alternately stretch and contract the lateral structures of the torso which stretches the intercostal muscles and releases tension from in between the ribs and along the spine. And this means extra space around the rib cage for lovely, long, uninhibited deep breaths. And with deep breaths comes deep contentment as we feel our whole body smile.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips and shoulders
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 28/05/2020
In this session we let our bodies roll with love and fluidity from one posture to the next with the energetic intention of feeling good 🙂 We sway through some hip stretches, rock some chest openers and roll through our vinyasas for extra shoulder stretches. Let the good times roll! X
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Neck and Shoulders
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 04/06/2020
Tight neck & shoulders? You're not alone! Our physical activities, whether it be sitting, working, driving, eating, riding a bike...all contribute to tension in the shoulders and neck. And on top of that we tend to round our shoulders and clench our jaw in protection when we experience stress, as part of the natural fight-or-flight response. And this is where yoga steps in to save the day! Using our breath alongside some shoulder and neck-release postures we will find deep physical release and relaxation and reverse the effects of activities and stress and give our shoulders a huge sigh of relief and a pat on the back - because we will be able to reach (!) for being so darn supportive =)
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Head to Toe
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 07/06/2020
A flow to wake up the whole body, including some stretches for shoulders, hips, hamstrings and including some core-work and balances.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders, hamstrings, core
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 11/06/2020
In this session we will play with pincha mayurasana (peacock feather pose) a.k.a forearm stand because this is probably one of my favourite arm balances! I think it's because it has taken me years (more than I can actually remember!) to feel confident in this posture and to find a sense of steadiness (and dare I say ease) and even now I don't catch it 100% of the time! So the session isn't actually about the full expression of the posture (although there will be an opportunity to try if you fancy!) we will instead start the journey to this arm balance and prepare the body and the mind. We not only need strength in the shoulders/arms/core but also flexibility in the chest/armpits/triceps and hamstrings, (which helps to kick up). For me, these preparatory stages were essential to incorporate into my regular practice; and then when the time comes to try and kick up, we are best prepared and we can calm our nerves knowing we have everything we need. For me, this journey was definitely a lesson in patience and perseverance. And also one of non-attachment! The first time I managed to hold for a few breaths without bending over backwards I was chuffed! It reaffirmed my faith in the journey. But then when I attempted it in my next practice and got nowhere near I was gutted. Maybe it was a one-off fluke that I would never repeat...and catching ourselves in the middle of these thought-patterns allows us to observe and dig deeper into these reactions and stories that we tell ourselves. And once we can start detaching from goals as the reward for our practice and instead see them as pathways that can guide us, it makes the whole practice experience more enjoyable. We may catch some fancy postures along the way but the real challenge is the commitment to show up on our mat and accept whatever arises without judgement and this mindset is a really liberating tool we can take off the mat. When we let go of the criticism and hard goals we can be more present and can focus on all the wonderful things we already have.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders, side body, balance
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 18/06/2020
Rinse and Release: Let's face it, life is not always easy- no matter who you are! So this practice is for when you just need to rinse away some frenetic energy and for when you need to unwind a stressed body; a time and place where you can practise being still. In this practise you can familiarise yourself with the sensations of what it feels like to build, hold and to carry stress in the body and you can then start to recognise when it's coming and gain the wisdom get out the situation a little bit sooner and take care of yourself. So this is a practise to move, relax and release those areas where we tend to hang on to stuff and to find stillness before rest.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Cooling flow
Props: 2 blocks (or alternatives) and maybe a chair to rest your forehead on during the forward folds.
Date Recorded: 25/06/2020
On these balmy summer days, the last thing you will probably feel like is a sweaty practice! So in this session we will balance the external heat with a refreshing cooling flow and sitali (cooling) breath. We will avoid heat-building deep twists and inversions and instead move slowly, staying longer in seated and restorative postures whilst resting our forehead to quench the heat of the mind.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Vasisthasana (Side plank)
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 02/07/2020
In this session we will play with lots of different variations of Vasisthasana (side plank).
We won't be on the wrists the whole time so if you have any injuries or issues in the wrists then there will be lots of options to modify 🙂 Vasistha means "most excellent" in Sanskrit so we will be channelling these positive vibes as we strengthen the wrists, forearms, shoulders spine and abdominal muscles. This is a great pose to prepare the body for more advanced arm balances and needs focus to find balance...and calm to keep it! These more challenging yoga poses can’t be forced, they will arise when the mind and body are ready. So we will keep bringing our thoughts to our breath and to the power of the present moment. We will let go of any need to achieve a certain outcome and simply be in the now and stay present with the challenge where we will find calmness and grace x
Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Core
Props: Block(s) and belt
Date Recorded: 04/07/2020
In this session we will fire up the core with plank variations, dancing warrior sequence, and some core exercises on our back. We will keep checking-in on the quality of our breath - noticing when we tend to hold and grip and consciously releasing to find a sense of ease. Finishing with supported bridge to release the hip flexors.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward facing bow)
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 09/07/2020
In this session we will take a look at the back bend upward facing bow or wheel (urdhva dhanurasana). As the name suggests, we want to create a smooth arch of the back and avoid any sharp angles that could stress the shoulders and lower back. So we will stretch out the shoulders, armpit chest and front hips and thighs to help smooth the curve and find the beautiful expansion of the front-body, opening the heart and lungs for rich deep breaths.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hamstrings, calves and lower back
Props: 2 Blocks and belt
Date Recorded: 16/07/2020
In this session we flow through low lunges and pyramid poses to ease and stretch out the calves, hamstrings and lower back, often areas that become tight from lots of sitting, driving and even standing! But if this is an area that is tight for you then go easy on yourself 🙂 There's nowhere to reach to and nothing to achieve apart from a juicy release, which will come the more you relax and the deeper you breathe.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Upper back and shoulders
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 23/07/2020
We will cultivate self-acceptance and gratitude as we flow through some shoulder and upper back stretches, acknowledging that there is an apparent paradox in our yoga practice. On the one-hand we are seeking to facilitate change e.g more strength, more flexibility, a greater sense of calm...but on the other hand we are working to accept and embrace our body and our personality - just as it is. We have to be careful not to create a never-ending to-do list of things to improve about ourselves and instead embrace our current position in life - just as it is. We can still seek change, but with integrity and an awareness of the motivation for this change. And all the while cultivating gratitude for everything we already have 🙂 x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips and groin
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 30/07/2020
In this session we bring our focus to the hips! It might feel like we spend a disproportionate amount of time stretching and strengthening the hips (especially if they aren't a favourite!) and that's because our hips are a keystone to our body and its proper functioning. Often our daily activities such as sitting and sports tend to tighten and shorten the hip and glute muscles; relieving tension and increasing mobility and range of motion in the hips and groin improves posture and can help relieve back and knee pain, as well as release emotions, which we tend to store in the hips. So whether you are in the love or hate camp of hip stretching, the benefits are well worth giving these poses a chance. Flowing through a variety of postures including lunges, high and low squats, frog, cow-faced pose and pigeon we breathe and smile and welcome the release 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Balance, shoulders, hips
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 06/08/2020
Despite how much you may love yoga in general, I am sure we have all encountered poses we wish would just go away! This Eagle pose is one for me; you may not recognise it because I barely ever include it in class! It's a balance with a wrapping of arms and legs that I find especially challenging due to my short, thick limbs... when I first encountered this in a class, I gazed around the room in wonder at the lovely balanced, wrapped bodies while I wobbled and squeezed, wondering what I was doing wrong. It took me a while to realise that no matter how much I practise, due to my anatomy, I will never be able to get a full hook of the foot behind the calf. And then it took me a while longer to realise that is perfectly fine! Why do I need to? Over time and practise I have developed an acceptance and gratitude for my body and everything it can do, rather than fixating on the things it can't. Eagle still isn't a favourite and I have to consciously choose to practise it (because it never shows up in my practise otherwise!) but it has taught me a lesson to let go of needing to be able to do everything, but it doesn't mean you can't give it a go anyway. And it has shown me that often we learn more lessons from our struggles than the things that come with ease. And we can take this off our mat into life. What do we avoid because it brings up feelings of fear, failure, inadequacy? Can we face them anyway and accept the outcome without judgement and frustration? Our practise helps us observe and reflect on how we do things, allowing us to develop effective tools that ultimately improve our lives so next time you encounter your nemesis, shift your perspective, shush your inner critique, give it a go and remind yourself of how amazing you already are 🙂 x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Core strength, arm balance
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 13/08/2020
In this session we will fire up the abs, arms shoulders and back for some all over core-loving...maybe peaking to this advanced 8-angle arm balance (astavakrasana), or maybe not 😅! This is a challenging arm balance which may take some time to master, which is why we will spend most or our time preparing the body including checking our chaturanga alignment and stretching out the hips and hamstrings. And with all these advanced postures, we can break them down into stages (swipe left) and know you can always choose to stay at the stage the feels right for you...or rest 🙂 If arm balancing is something that makes your heart sing, all you need is to show up and keep trying. Don't let your ego crash the party - we aren't perfecting, just practising x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Twists
Props: Block & belt
Date Recorded: 20/08/2020
I love a good twist! I start all my practises (and pretty much all my classes too) with a passive supine twist; for me, it starts to wake up the spine and release tension and my breath gradually deepens, allowing me to make the mental shift and focus my attention on my body and breath. Twists have a whole host of physical benefits; they boost circulation and tone internal organs, as well as restore and improve the range of motion in the spine, shoulders and hips. When we live a sedentary lifestyle it causes the soft tissues to shorten. If we don't stretch them out with twists a few times a week it can limit mobility in the joints and tighten tissues around the abdomen, ribs and hips. The great news is, you can twist anywhere! On your yoga mat, on your desk chair, in bed... and as we release tension we find our stable centre, which we can keep returning to as the world swirls around us. So get ready to twist it out and breathe deeply! x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Bakasana (Crow) arm balance
Props: Block & belt
Date Recorded: 27/08/2020
Welcome to flight school! In this session we give lots of loving to our hips and core to prepare for taking flight into bakasana a.k.a crow pose. One of the best ways to tackle this arm balance is to have a little play every day, taking each step at a time and not losing faith if you don't lift the journey and let your body guide you into whatever stage you're at. We will give ourselves a few opportunities to lift off and if you already have the lift, then we will play with the more advanced entry and exit. And if arm balancing isn't your thing today, there are lots of variations and alternatives so you can enjoy the stretch without the lift-off x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Backbends
Props: Block & belt
Date Recorded: 03/09/2020
Before the season changes, we will tune into the summer outward expression of energy by opening up the front of our body and practising some backbends, using our breath to create both comfort and control. Back bending postures build courage and stamina and they are best practised with compassion; not forcing yourself into the fullest, deepest backbend but instead valuing your energy and integrity and taking only what you need - finding relaxation rather than struggling into the pose. Find some sanctuary from the racket of life; tune into the stirrings of the heart and mind and cultivate acceptance and compassion for whatever you find - without judgement or expectation - and replenish your energy and inspiration 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Core
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 10/09/2020
Core blimey- taking a tour around the core this evening 🙂 Let yourself giggle (it's good for the abs!) as we play around with some funky variations of boat pose and locust to strengthen our front, sides and back body. Enjoy the slow burn in our core as we use gravity and props to create resistance. But we will take time to rest in between the pockets of power as we find our internal strength and cultivate it outward so we can take it with us off the mat x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Hamstrings
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 17/09/2020
After my lovely holiday up in Scotland where I did lots of walking, my hamstrings are feeling a little tight! So tonight we will focus on stretching out these big muscles that enable us to enjoy life 🙂 Flexibility takes time and patience so if you're hamstrings are tight the best thing to do is try and relax into the stretch. Whilst on the road in Argyll we were approaching some roadworks and the road sign read "Roadworks ahead - rest and be thankful" a beautiful sentiment to remind us that in those times where we aren't necessarily where we want to be and we have to be patient, take the time to rest and be thankful. So instead of forcing your way through the stretch, give yourself a break, rest and be thankful 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 24/09/2020
Sometimes our yoga practice is about building and assimilating, whether that is discipline, heat, strength, courage or trust. And other times is about letting go; releasing physical tension and resistance but also letting go of mental chatter. Releasing the mental clutter so we can make space. So we can reflect on who we are and how we want to live. So we can give ourselves permission to just be. Nothing to do, nothing to be and nothing to attain. When we truly let go of any need to be a certain way then we are truly free. So as well as some lovely shoulder-stretching, we will make space in our body and mind so we can embrace our own value; knowing that our self-worth doesn't depend on what other people think of us or how productive we are. We are all valuable and worthy and we all make a difference to the world around us. You are whole and worthy in every fibre of your being.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Outer hips Glutes
Props: Belt
Date Recorded: 01/10/2020
As the temperature starts to drop we will turn up the heat of the internal oven ready to bake our buns! We will use leg lifts and lunges to strengthen the outer hips and glutes, flowing through rolling vinyasas before finishing with some lovely longer hold stretches to work deeper into the outer hips and to let go of tension. Expect a little bit of sweat and a lot of satisfaction as you let go of your day and breathe deeply 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Arm balance
Props: Belt & 2 blocks (optional)
Date Recorded: 08/10/2020
It's arm balance week! You already know that I am a fan of arm balances; the combination of flexibility and strength along with balance and technique can really help focus the mind and wipe away any chatter that followed you onto the mat. And whilst there is a "goal" of sorts, that isn't an invitation to the ego to start up that negative chatter if you don't get as far along as you would like. You'll get there. Advanced postures such as this arm-press pose (bhujapidasana) take time and patience...and lots of practise! If this type of posture floats your boat then all you need to do is try. And try again. And again. And just keep trying and one day it will happen! This discipline to try without being attached to the outcome is a foundation of our yoga practise. Trust the journey; every expert was once a beginner and falling down and getting back up again are how we learn and progress.
And if arm balancing isn't for you - as always the class is full of preparatory postures for the shoulders and hips so you can find an option and a posture to suit how you feel today 😊
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders, chest and upper back
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 14/10/2020
It's a wrap! In this session we prepare-for and explore some traditional postures such as triangle (trikonasana) and side angle (parsvokanasana) and half-moon pose (ardha Chandrasana) with the added extra of a wrapping of the arm to work deeper into the shoulder joint. These external arm rotations release tension and allow us to floss out any gristle from the nooks and crannies of the shoulder joint. And the resultant expansion across the chest brings us a wonderful feeling of release as we fill ourselves with energy as we take deep breaths. And as always, there will be some longer holds before rest so we can let go, bliss out and nourish our body and soul for a relaxing rest of day 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Standing Balances
Props: Belt & block (optional)
Date Recorded: 15/10/2020
After the weight bearing of arm balances last week we are giving our wrists a rest this week by playing with standing balances instead! Practising our physical balance is important to maintain strength in our legs and core, which helps us move efficiently and prevents the risk of injuries from falling (especially in later life). And the effort and concentration needed to sustain balance is often a great distraction from the mental chatter! Balancing is important off our mat too; maintaining a balance in all facets of our life promotes better health and wellbeing. Too much work can leave us feeling stressed and burned out; taking time to rest and do activities that we enjoy such as yoga, reading, listening to music, cooking, walking in nature, catching up with family and friends(insert your favourite pastime!) can all help keep us grounded and supported. Often we feel that life doesn't allow us the time to refill our cup and at these times it's most important to shift our priorities and carve out the time for self-care as this is when we need it the most. Self-care isn't selfish; you deserve to enjoy life and you have the power and control to make the choice to put yourself first so you can be fully charged to face life with a sense of ease and calm and with a big smile 🙂 Make sure you take some me-time today x
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips, hamstrings, IT band, quads
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 19/10/2020
Running is a great way to stay fit and strong but all running and no stretching can shorten and tighten the leg and hip muscles and increase the risk of injury and pain. So we will slowly flow through a plethora of postures that will stretch out hamstrings, quads, IT band and hip flexors so we can unwind and release tension and increase our range of motion and mobility, which in the long-term will help keep you running for longer!
Not a runner? Neither am I! You will still get the benefits of a deep stretch even if you don't own a pair of running shoes 🙂 It will be lovely to see you to unwind the body and unhook from our thoughts for a sense of deep calm and relaxation x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Quads, shoulders and back bends
Props: Belt & block (optional)
Date Recorded: 22/10/2020
Resist the round! The cooler temperature, desk-working, driving, device-gazing and low mood can all lead to us rounding in on ourselves out of self-protection and habit so in this session we will resist the round! We'll open the front body including the chest and quads to prepare for some back bends that will invigorate the body and create space for deeper breaths which help calm the mind leaving a beautiful balance of energy and peace.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips & Calm
Props: Block (optional)
Date Recorded: 29/10/2020
In a time when unpredictability and change has become the norm, it can be difficult to feel settled and grounded... Worrying about what is next and how we will cope is really exhausting! Vinyasa Flow can sometimes have that element of unpredictability where we feel out of control; what's coming next? Can I handle the challenge? Sometimes this uncertainly is exactly what we need to shift our perspective and learn new things about ourselves; other times it can feel frustrating because you can't quite settle into the groove.
So in this sequence we will embrace familiarity; we will build a layer-cake of postures with lots of repetition so we can immerse ourselves into the movement and rhythm of the breath. And as we settle into the flow, we can connect with our calm centre reminding ourselves that even when we can't control everything around us, we do have a choice as to how we respond and feel, it may take time for us to see those choices, but they are always there 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Bakasana (crow pose) arm balance
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 02/11/2020
It's Halloween...and a blue moon! (The second full moon of the month) so we will get a little spooky as we slowly flow with some crescent moon lunges and half moon balances and we will slowly flow through some prep so we can caw with the murder of crows as we soar into bakasana with a few tricks to help us lift! (wrist issues? don't worry we aren't here for long and there will be plenty of alternatives) Trick or treat yourself to some lovely yoga, before you turn into a pumpkin and veg out in savasana... x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Core, arm strength & hips
Props: Block & Belt
Date Recorded: 05/11/2020
It's bonfire night! And while we may not be able to all huddle around a bonfire together, we can stoke our internal fire to burn off our stories and any agitation and frustration and release our inner firework so our true colours can explode with beauty 🙂 Like the Sun, our internal fire will build power and strength that we can harness to nurture new life. Expect some core-work and longer holds, all leading to some lovely yummy releases. So, like a Phoenix, we can rise from the flames renewed and forged stronger, affirming our belief that we can get through this x
P.S. there is an authentic soundtrack of fireworks and bangs throughout for that true bonfire night feel!
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Shoulderstand
Props: Block, Belt & Blanket(s)
Date Recorded: 12/11/2020
In this practise we shine a light on Shoulderstand, which is a really therapeutic posture that brings a whole host of benefits for the mind and body; it aids digestion, improves circulation for the upper body and brain, helps relieve headaches, relieves swollen legs, boosts your immune system, reduces fatigue, relieves insomnia, calms the mind...the list goes on! Iyengar describes it as the mother of all asanas. In sanskrit shoulderstand is called Sarvangasana which means Sarva = entire/whole Anga = organ/body part. Iyengar says this full body pose "strives for harmony and happiness in the human system" and I think we all need a bit of that at the we will build strength in the core and stretch the shoulders and hamstrings so we can safely lift into and hold shoulderstand and enjoy the soothing benefits standing on our shoulders 🙂 x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Side Crow (parsva bakasana) arm balance
Props: Block, Belt & Blanket(s)
Date Recorded: 19/11/2020
In this practise we will feel our way into side crow (parsva bakasana). Building the blocks we need with twists to stretch out the hips and spine and being creative with our vinyasas to strengthen the upper body and core. This posture can be a bit confusing at first but with a few tips and techniques we can demystify this arm balance. The most important component is patience 🙂 Every expert was once a beginner and this is definitely a grower so take your time, be patient and have a giggle! As always, the arm balance bit is just a small section so if today is not an arm-balance-vibe day then pick your favourite posture and enjoy x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Backbends
Props: Block & Belt
Date Recorded: 26/11/2020
In this practise we prepare our body for backbends, tuning into the messages as we go deeper so we can stay in a place of comfort. Being in the moment with our breath, our determination and our vulnerability. Knowing that all of it is exactly where we are in that moment in time. So wherever you are in your journey, find the lessons in the moment. Let go of the need to achieve and instead allow yourself to be present because all we really have is now. x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Parighasana (Gate pose)
Props: Block, Belt and Blanket (to pad the knees)
Date Recorded: 03/12/2020
In this practise we flow into parighasana (gate pose) and some variations which is a lovely posture to stretch out the sides of the torso, the hamstrings and the shoulders and stimulate the abdominal organs and lungs. It helps to strengthen the legs and core and it allows us to open the side body into areas often harder to reach. So open the gate to your side body and enjoy some nourishing full deep breaths.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:60 minutes
Focus: Hamstrings and Hips
Props: Block & Belt
Date Recorded: 10/12/2020
If you are anything like me, the Christmas preparation is in full swing! I love this time of year. Part of the magic is having lots to do and people to think about, all adding to the festive spirit and the anticipation of joyous gatherings! And even though I love this hive of activity, it can often leave me feeling a little bit drained and worn out. So during these busy times I tend to adapt my practise to accommodate my energy levels so I don't burn out before the fun starts. So this flow is a low slow flow to help us stay grounded and enjoy the connection with the breath and body without the buckets of sweat. And as always, nothing to achieve (save that for the to-do list!), just making the commitment to show up and take some time to recharge and rest so we can show up for life with fairy lights and bells on! X
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: All rounder
Props: Block & Belt
Date Recorded: 17/12/2020
Rounding off the year with an all around flow around the body, cultivating gratitude, acceptance and compassion for what has passed and for what is yet to come. Finding the courage to let go of any baggage we no longer need to carry around so we can make space in the body and mind for new beginnings and new endings x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Side stretch, twists, backbends
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 07/01/2021
At the start of a new year we often look for new beginnings and look forward to forge a new path. As we set new intentions it's important we can reflect on what is already working for us and to carry that forward. Yoga means to bind, to yoke, to unite - so we can use our practice to bind our breath and our body; to unite patterns and behaviours that already work for us with new habits and intentions. And ultimately for us to feel connected; with the the earth, the universe and each other 🙂 Our practice is a path on a journey of self-discovery. So this flow is all about bringing together old and new; to celebrate what we know works for us whilst inviting a new perspective so we can journey the path of life feeling connected. The first practise back after a break can sometimes feel like climbing a mountain - but all you need to do is show-up! No expectations, no judgements, no right and wrong, just you being you, in all your wonderful glory x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Core and Rest
Props: 2 Blocks
Date Recorded: 14/01/2021
Sometimes our lives and minds are so full of all the tasks we need to tick off our list that we can feel overwhelmed! When faced with these challenges it's important we give ourselves permission to rest and re-charge. If we keep pushing ourselves to keep going we are more likely to give up completely and burn out. So this week's flow is themed around finding that balance; knowing when to rest, not to quit! We will build heat and energy with little pockets of power in our core, balanced with moments of rest in counter poses where we can bask in the moment. So we know when the going gets tough, we have recharged and have what it takes to make it through!
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Whole body
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 21/01/2021
This flow is inspired by the recent weather, which has treated us to lots of water with torrential rain, fog and beautiful snow. Water is the essence of life; 71% of the Earth is covered in water and all water on Earth came from comets and asteroids! The human body is made up of 60% water; the brain and heart are 73% water and the lungs are 83% water. Water is vital for life to survive; it has the power to create and change beautiful landscapes. In its fluid form water can move and change to fit whatever vessel it is in, it can find it's way into all the nooks and crannies of life and we can harness great energy from its power. So in tonight's flow we will harness and channel our inner water; water that stands still too long becomes stagnant so we will keep moving and go with the flow with grace before melting into longer held poses 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Arm balance: Core & arm strength, hamstrings and hips mobility
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 28/01/2021
Eka Pada Koundinyasana II (also known as Hurdler or flying splits) is an advanced arm balance, which on first glance you may think "I'll never be able to do that!"(nor may you wish to!). But as with all advanced postures, it all starts with strong foundations. If you think about building a house, you don't put the roof on first. Instead, the building starts at the base with sturdy foundations and supporting walls. Each brick layer provides support for those above so finally the roof can sit confidently on top. In the same way, all arm balances need a strong base, namely arm and core strength. And this particular arm balance also needs flexibility in the hips, groin and hamstrings. So in this flow, we start to build the strong foundations of this posture as we flow through lots of hip, groin and hamstring stretches, with the option to gradually go deeper. Scattered with some (fun!) core and arm-strengthening and finishing with a little look at the mechanics of the posture with an option to give it a go if you are in the mood =) As with all advanced postures, it is a journey that will no doubt be sprinkled with some face-plants along the way! And these are symbolic of your willingness to try and to step out of your comfort zone. Think of each attempt as a pane of glass in your house, allowing you to see inside the posture so you slowly build up the technique and understanding so when the time comes you can fly your splits in style.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Stability and Freedom through twists and backbends
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 04/02/2021
In this practise we will flow through twists, hip-openers and backbends so we find stability coupled with a sense of ease. We will find stability in the body so we can feel the flow of the breath. As we balance stability and flow we can burn off the distractions and quieten the mind so we can experience the moment. As we experience the moment, as it is, without attachment and fear, we can feel freedom and joy.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Mermaid: Hips flexors, chest-openers and backbends
Props: 2 x Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 11/02/2021
This flow is inspired by the quote "Pessimism is a misuse of imagination" and the fact that it is soon Valentines day - a perfect opportunity to open our hearts both physically with some lovely front body stretches, and mentally opening our hearts to optimism. Guiding our energy into positive actions and the underlying belief that everything will be ok. We have what it takes to cope with whatever life brings because our very existence is truly miraculous and each moment is a gift to be cherished x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Legs, Core & Guided body-scan Savasana
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 18/02/2021
Taking time to rest and relax can sometimes be pushed down the priority list when our lives are busy. When we do eventually stop, relaxing may not come easily - a feeling of guilt that we should be being "productive" can sometimes stop us from fully letting go. But rest and relaxation is vital to make sure we fill up our cup and don't burn out. Self-care isn't selfish. So this flow will build heat and fire in the legs and core so then when we get to rest we will be ready to fully let go and immerse ourselves into a guided body-scan savasana. Warm up and wind down with a smile =)
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Twists
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 25/02/2021
In this flow we steadily uplift and expand into twists - standing, seated and of course with some twisty core vinyasas! Warming up the shoulders and outer hips and releasing tension so we can progressively work deeper, if that feels good for you today. Staying mindful as we move so we can enjoy the newfound spaciousness and the deep breaths x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Conditioning
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 04/03/2021
In this flow we celebrate our physical and emotional resilience - we've certainly needed it in the last year! This flow will invite you to step out of your comfort zone and step into moments of challenge. Symbolic of the challenges we face in life when we think we know our trajectory but something unexpected happens meaning we need to tap into our resilience and find the strength to be patient and persevere. Knowing that challenges are bumps, not barriers, and trusting that you have what it takes to get through. By welcoming these challenges on our mat, we can practise and strengthen our resilience so we have what it takes to face life's surprises with a smile =)
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips, groin, hamstrings, lower back
Props: Block(s) & belt
Date Recorded: 11/03/2021
In this flow we move through some lunges, side-stretches and triangle variations to stretch the groin, adductors and lower back and to lengthen the hamstrings. Countering with some outer thigh stretches...and of course with a smattering of quirky core! Finishing with some seated straddle variations with twists, side bends and forward folds before melting into savasana.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Strengthening the back body
Props: 2 x Blocks/ 2 x tins / hand weights (all optional!)
Date Recorded: 18/03/2021
In this flow we balance out the back body! In dynamic styles of yoga such as Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow there is a lot of pushing action in the chaturangas, which is great for strengthening the front of the shoulders (pecs, anterior deltoids). But in yoga there isn't a huge amount of pulling action, which you would get from activities such as rock climbing, rowing etc. So if yoga is all you do (like me!) then this may mean there could be an imbalance in the shoulder girdle and your back body could be underworked. Lots of sitting and rounding forward may also over-stretch the muscles of back and could lead to back pain; so this flow will balance out any underworking/over-stretch by working the back body with a scattering of locust poses and backwards planks...maybe with the use of weights if you have a couple of tins of beans spare!
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Grasshopper Arm Balance
Props: Block(s) & Belt
Date Recorded: 25/03/2021
Spring has sprung and nothing is springier than a grasshopper! This is a fun and challenging pose that includes a hip opener, deep twist and arm balance...3 for the price of 1! Like all challenging postures, it takes practise and patience so this flow is not about mastering it first time (if at all!). We will break down the pose into accessible segments and warm up the body in preparation, making sure your giggle muscles are warm so you can keep smiling even if you face plant! (Maybe have a cushion ready!). And the great thing about this flow is you can practise, practise and practise again and the pose will come when you're ready x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Wild Thing and Rockstar
Props: Block(s) & Belt
Date Recorded: 01/04/2021
In this fun flow we will open the chest and upper back and strengthen the core so we can play with wild thing and rockstar and then flow between the two, celebrating the freedom and joy of movement and breath. Finishing with forwards folds and side stretches so we can completely surrender into savasana.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Outer hips, leg strengthening
Props: Block(s) & Belt
Date Recorded: 08/04/2021
In this playful flow we will harness the creative energy of spring and embrace the urge to freshen up and get moving! We will put a spring in our step by coiling and uncoiling the legs along with a scattering of (optional!) leaps for that little extra energy boost =) Finishing by sinking into a spring-inspired visualisation savasana x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Frontal Splits: Hamstrings, quads, hip-flexors
Props: 2 x blocks & belt & bolster & blanket
Date Recorded: 15/04/2021
Hanumanasana (frontal splits) honours the great leap made by Hanuman, the famous monkey god, across the ocean from India to the mountains of Sri Lanka. This advanced pose needs flexibility, strength, and stability which can't be rushed or forced; your body will let you know when you are ready after preparation, practise and lots of patience! The great thing about recording these classes is that you can do them again, and again...and again! So this flow is all about the preparation and the props; we will flow and repeat some foundational prep poses for the hamstrings, hip flexors and quads - gradually easing deeper if/when your body feels ready. This posture gives us the opportunity to be mindful of the messages the body is sending, to honour the body's resistance and to cultivate devotion to the practise and kindness to yourself knowing there is nothing to achieve 💚
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders
Props: Block, belt & bolster
Date Recorded: 22/04/2021
Our shoulders need regular love and care so we can release tension and create space and comfort. We will wave through our vinyasas and flow through various arm alignments to find those tight spots. This soothing flow will take away the shoulder strain and release the sighs as we unwind and stretch open those creases and kinks.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Core
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 29/04/2021
This playful flow will get right to the core with boat and plank variations as well as a couple of delicious core sequences using a block =) Flow through warrior poses and flip your plank into wild thing, with a scattering of seated postures to find stillness amongst the energy. So prepare to flow and glow, burn off distractions and unwind with a well-deserved savasana x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders, side body, twists, hips and quads
Props: 2 x Blocks & Belt
Date Recorded: 06/05/2021
Our yoga practice can serve us however we're feeling in the moment. Maybe it is to invigorate, energise and burn off the thoughts. Maybe it is to find moments of calm and peace when find ourselves racing through life. This flow has only one intention - to feel good! Let this flow be your reset button; that feeling when you take a deep sigh at the end of the day when you know your work is done. We will flow and stretch out the side body and shoulders, open the chest, twist out the spine and stretch the quads and hips so we can breathe in calm and let the lips curl into a smile that we can take with us off our mat =)
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Setting intentions/ Hips & Balance
Props: 2 x Blocks & Belt
Date Recorded: 13/05/2021
This flow will evolve as we add layers onto the sequence to add depth, heat in the hips and shoulders and different expressions of warrior and balance postures with a playful and explorative mindset. Regularly returning back to our opening intentions so we can culminate whatever energy and attitude we want to absorb and take with us off our mat.
Have a peek at my blog post If you want to read more about my experience of setting intentions =)
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Yin and Yang: Hips, side-body, core
Props: 2 x Blocks, Belt, Bolster/Blanket (optional)
Date Recorded: 20/05/2021
This flow starts with some gentle yin stretches to stretch the hips and side body. Followed by a more dynamic yang flow with core curls, bicycles and dancing warrior sequences. Then finishing with some more yin with sphinx, side-stretches and quad & hip's a yang sandwich!
Yin is a slow, long-hold style of yoga that targets deep tissues such as joints, ligaments and fascia – the wafer-thin sheath around each of your muscles. These connective tissues can become damaged when stressed or injured and, as our bodies age, they become less flexible. Not only does yin have wonderful physical benefits, but taking some time to slow down and notice the sensations in the body can bring a sense of calm and connection. As life speeds up it's important to take time out to slow down so we can find balance in both body and mind x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Balance, backbends, core & leg conditioning
Props: 2 x Blocks, Belt
Date Recorded: 27/05/2021
In this flow we uplift our energy with a smattering of core exercises and back bends including camel and wild thing; we find focus and steadiness with a variety of warrior III balances and a couple of opportunities to practise bakasana, as well as some juicy fully body stretches 🙂 Leaving us with the wonderful feeling of both energy and calm x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips, hamstrings, shoulders, side-body
Props: 1 block
Date Recorded: 03/06/2021
In this mandala-style flow we take a tour around our mat in all different directions as well as taking a tour around the whole body to stretch out shoulders, hips, hamstrings, side body with some juicy core and backbends to boot 🙂 Go with the flow and let the change in direction as we move on our mat open us up to a new perspectives as we move off our mat x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: All round
Props: 1 block
Date Recorded: 10/06/2021
This flow is a plethora of picks from all the lockdown flows! Mashing up some fun favourites to give us an all round flow to give thanks for this wonderful practise. Thank you body for supporting my practise; thank you mind for listening to the needs of my body; thank you heart for leading me in the right direction and thank you yoga for helping me cultivate the tools and attitude that enrich my life. And thank YOU yogis for being so wonderful x
Slow Flow
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Gate Pose (Parighasana)
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 11/04/2020
We will explore lots of triangle-shaped poses including parighasana (gate pose) and trikonasana (triangle pose) to stretch the adductors (inner thighs) and strengthen and lengthen the lateral flexors of the spine (including the internal and external obliques), muscles that are integral to functional core strength. Side bending is also a great way to help you breathe more deeply...mmmmm
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips, shoulders and twists
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 18/04/2020
Twisting is a great way to boost circulation and detox the body but tightness in the hips and shoulders, the anchors for the spine, can limit our capacity to twist. By focusing on releasing tension in the shoulders and hips we can improve the mobility of the spine and enjoy a deep, twisted release =)
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Balancing
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 25/04/2020
Find your's okay to wobble! That is what balance is, dealing with the constant fluctuations in the body. You learn more every time you fall! Surrender to the process and allow yourself to experience joy and happiness in the present moment. Dive beneath the fluctuations and discover a place of peace and love; knowing this stable centre within yourself is always there, making you strong enough to deal with any situation so when life throws you challenges, you can drop down deep into this eternal place of peace.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Backbends
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 02/05/2020
Express your extrovert: In this slow flow we will explore “extroverted” back-bending poses, which can balance our tendency to curl in on ourselves when we feel depressed or overwhelmed. These chest-openers provide a great antidote to “office slump,” while freeing the lungs and opening the heart to experience feelings of loyalty, love, and the character traits of our familiar (upward-facing) dog companion.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Core and Arms
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 09/05/2020
In this class we play with different variations of plank and build up some heat and arm strength all the while focussing on our smooth supportive flowing breath, reminding ourselves that these challenges aren't permanent. And finishing with a well-deserved long savasana 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Twists
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 16/05/2020
Wring out tension and cultivate strength and steadiness while remaining focused and flexible; traits needed for both this sequence and the twists and turns of this journey called life! In this sequence we will enjoy a variety of standing heat-building twists before seated and supine twists to cool the body before savasana x
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hamstrings and Hips
Props: Block & Belt
Date Recorded: 23/05/2020
Staying grounded with some juicy hamstring and hip stretches close to the mat. With the option to gradually go deeper as we move through the sequence, if it feels right for you. These stretches are great for runners, cyclists or anyone who sits in a chair for long durations!
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Digestion and metabolism
Props: Blocks
Date Recorded: 30/05/2020
A change in routine (and some lovely weather!) may have meant your eating habits and diet have changed. So this sequence will help to boost metabolism and bring Prana to your belly, ignite your digestive fire and tone your core. Lovely if you are looking for an energy boost 🙂
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Full body - intention setting
Props: Blocks
Date Recorded: 06/06/2020
Spring has sprung - I love all seasons but spring has a special feel as the sun emerges out of the wintery shadows and the earth blooms with colour and expansive energy and the world opens up to the idea of fresh starts and new beginnings. In this session we will give our bodies a spring clean; in the same way we dust out the corners of our kitchen cupboards, we will spring clean our bodies, releasing tension and letting go of anything that no longer serves us and open up to the opportunity to begin again.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Thighs and Core
Props: Block belt
Date Recorded: 13/06/2020
In this session we will stoke the fire and power up the thighs and core. We will send some love to these firm foundations that carry us through life and we will enjoy and jiggles and shakes in the body knowing that it's just the body getting excited about being strong! Finishing with some slower postures and breath work to absorb all the wonderful energy.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Warrior postures
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 20/06/2020
Rarely a vinyasa yoga class goes by without at least one of the Virabhadrasana or Warrior postures! Named after the fierce warrior Virabhadra, these poses bring us strength, courage and focus (as well as the lovely physical benefits of stretching and strengthening the ankles, feet, legs, hips, arms and side body). In this session we will visit each of the warrior postures and harness our inner warrior; a warrior’s training is designed to make them able to overcome fear and the natural survival instinct in the face of danger. So by channelling a warrior’s dedication and self-mastery – by finding a balance of steadiness and ease - we can also turn inward and find the ability to reflect and keep our cool in the midst of opposition and find courage to face the things we find challenging and see a path of discipline and self-improvement to better serve our families and friends, our communities, and ourselves.
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips, quads, hamstrings, shoulders
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 27/06/2020
If lock-down has motivated you to gear-up your cycling or running routine then this class is for you! We will release tightness from the nooks and crannies in the body where we hold tension like the hips, hamstrings, quads and shoulders giving your body a new lease of life to re-saddle and enjoy the ride.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders and upper back
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 11/07/2020
In this session we slowly stretch out the shoulders, armpit chest and side body, followed by some lunge salutations working further into the hips and shoulders. Finishing with longer-hold gomukhasana and side stretches - accompanied throughout with mindful breathing, leaving you feeling grounded and peaceful.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 75 minutes
Focus: Shoulders, side body
Props: 2 Blocks and belt
Date Recorded: 18/07/2020
In this session we loosen and lubricate the shoulder joints with lots of lovely circular movements and side stretches; finding and releasing those little pockets of tightness with some longer holds and long deep breaths. Expect your lungs to feel expansive and your shoulders to smile as we visualise the breath travelling to all parts of the body and we give ourselves permission to let go.
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders, chest and upper back
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 14/10/2020
It's a wrap! In this session we prepare-for and explore some traditional postures such as triangle (trikonasana) and side angle (parsvokanasana) and half-moon pose (ardha Chandrasana) with the added extra of a wrapping of the arm to work deeper into the shoulder joint. These external arm rotations release tension and allow us to floss out any gristle from the nooks and crannies of the shoulder joint. And the resultant expansion across the chest brings us a wonderful feeling of release as we fill ourselves with energy as we take deep breaths. And as always, there will be some longer holds before rest so we can let go, bliss out and nourish our body and soul for a relaxing rest of day 🙂
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips, hamstrings, IT band, quads
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 19/10/2020
Running is a great way to stay fit and strong but all running and no stretching can shorten and tighten the leg and hip muscles and increase the risk of injury and pain. So we will slowly flow through a plethora of postures that will stretch out hamstrings, quads, IT band and hip flexors so we can unwind and release tension and increase our range of motion and mobility, which in the long-term will help keep you running for longer!
Not a runner? Neither am I! You will still get the benefits of a deep stretch even if you don't own a pair of running shoes 🙂 It will be lovely to see you to unwind the body and unhook from our thoughts for a sense of deep calm and relaxation x
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Backbends and Restorative
Props: Block and bolster (or pillows & blanket). Alternatives are given if you don't have a bolster =)
Date Recorded: 07/11/2020
The temperature has dropped and many of us are back to working from home so you may already be feeling a little low in energy as the body rounds in on itself for protection...and as a result of working from the couch! So we will free the front body, opening the chest and hips and building in backbends to give us an energy-boost. Then taking advantage of being at home and winding down and finishing with some soothing restorative postures with some lovely twists and forward folds and , with the use of a bolster or pillows and blankets. Enjoying a smile and some shhhhh x
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Forward Folds
Props: Block and bolster (or pillows & blanket). Alternatives are given if you don't have a bolster =)
Date Recorded: 14/11/2020
Fold into Fall: Autumn is here. As the landscape flourishes with vibrant colour before the leaves fall from the trees we are reminded how beautiful it can be to let things go. In autumn we move from the expansive nature of summer to a the internal contracting nature of autumn, which helps nurture introspection and allows us to be mindful to let go of anything that no longer nourishes or serves us. So in this practice we slowly flow to warm up and lengthen the back of the body so we can ease into and relax in some lovely restorative forward folds, allowing us to let go of the busy world around us and turn our awareness inward and cherish the inner quiet. Don't worry if you don't have a bolster, we can improvise with pillows and blankets. Take some time for you today x
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips
Props: Block and bolster (or pillows & blanket). Alternatives are given if you don't have a bolster =)
Date Recorded: 21/11/2020
In this practise we slowly flow through some hip stretches to counter the clench from the chilly weather! We'll enjoy some lunges and squats while harnessing the breath to allow us to gently venture deeper. Finishing with a lovely restorative hip and chest opener before sinking into savasana x
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Legs & Core and no wrist pressure!
Props: Block and bolster (or pillows & blanket). Alternatives are given if you don't have a bolster =)
In this slow flow we rest the wrists (read no chaturangas!) as we build strength in the core with some floor-based fun and some countering backbends. We will power up the legs with some balancing transitions and finish with longer holds, soothing breaths and a lovely relaxing restorative supported bridge and supported shoulderstand before a well deserved savasana.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Twists, shoulders and hips
Props: Block and bolster (or pillows & blanket). Alternatives are given if you don't have a bolster =)
In this Slow Flow we enjoy some lovely stretches for the hips and shoulders, preparing the body for some twists where we can uncoil and release any tension that may have gathered from life! Finishing with some restorative postures; slow down your day and take some well-deserved time for you x
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Head to Toe
Props: Block and bolster (or pillows & blanket). Alternatives are given if you don't have a bolster =)
In this practise we flow from head to toe, with a well-rounded practise including stretches for the neck, shoulders, upper back, side body, hips, hamstrings, backbends and finally the feet! So take some time to yourself, with yourself, for yourself and step off the mat with your best foot forward x
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Upper body: Shoulders, neck, jaw, upper back
Props: Block
Now many of us are back working from home again (and we maybe had a less active festive season than usual) we may be feeling tight from lots of sitting and screen gazing. This flow will release areas of tension from the neck, jaw, shoulders, legs and hips with gentle movement and warmth. Sometimes moving the body is the best way to rest the mind, so give your self a well-deserved break and bring some soothing movement to your day 🙂
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: All body
Props: 2 Blocks, bolster or pile of pillows/ blankets: don't worry if you don't have a bolster - I will give an alterative =)
Give yourself a cosy hug in these cooler temperatures with this easeful, mellow flow. This heat-inducing slow flow has a cosy, relaxed feel as we stretch out the shoulders, flow through some sun salutations, lunges and pigeon. Wonderful for the colder days where you want to warm up and wind down. Inspired by winter-time, but can be practised anytime =)
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: All body
Props: Blocks, bolster or pile of pillows/ blankets: don't worry if you don't have a bolster - I will give an alterative =)
Date Recorded: 23/01/2021
In this slow flow we explore lots of different variations of the arm and leg shapes of gomukhasana (cow faced pose) to warm up the chest, shoulders and outer hips and we play with different ways of coming in and out of the pose, taking care of our knees along the way. With a scattering of some countering straddles throughout, we finish feeling open and invigorated 🙂
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Pranayama (breathwork)
Props: Block(s)
Date Recorded: 30/01/2021
Moving mindfully gives a grace and an ease to our practice. Slowing the pace gives the muscles enough time to acclimate to the new action and is gentle on the joints. This class focuses on bringing awareness to the breath and body through slow, steady movement flowing through a series of standing poses, using breath-based movements to ease yourself toward an extended exhalation. The repetitive moving sequences will help increase your body's circulation and inspire calm so you can settle into the rest of your weekend with a smile.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Head to Toe
Props: Block(s), bolster/ cushions / blankets
Date Recorded: 08/02/2021
This juicy all over flow includes mindfulness, stretches for the neck, shoulders, upper back, hips, hamstrings, quads, calves, feet, side-body, twists, backbends, balances, core strength and finishing with a blissful restorative posture savasana. An all-over flow for an all-over glow 🙂
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Quads Backbends
Props: 2 x Blocks, bolster/ cushions / blankets
Date Recorded: 13/02/2021
As it's Valentines weekend, what better opportunity to open the heart =) In this practise we slowly stretch out the front body with chest and hip stretches and ease our way into back bends, finishing with a restorative twist, leaving our heart open and our mind at peace.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Calm: Breathwork, shoulders, hips
Props: 2 x Blocks, bolster/ cushions / blankets
Date Recorded: 20/02/2021
Sometimes it can feel like life is getting on top of us and we can feel overwhelmed and stressed out. This flow will decompress the stress with soothing breathwork and a steady flow to release the parts of the body where we often hold stress. Look forward to shoulder and upper back stretches, hip release and twists to decompress stress and let the inner calm flow.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Circulation
Props: Block, belt, bolster/ cushions / blankets
Date Recorded: 27/02/2021
During the winter months and colder weather our circulation can sometimes feel sluggish. This slow flow will kickstart the circulation with lunges, squats, twists and side bends so we can enjoy the boost in energy before winding down for a blissful restorative savasana. A great practise for anytime your want to enjoy continuous movement at a steady pace to gently glow =)
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Surrender to your energy level
Props: Block, belt, bolster/ cushions / blankets
Date Recorded: 06/03/2021
Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed and burned out and during these times when our energy is low, we want a practise to give back rather than take-away. So in this flow we will start and end with some longer holds seated stretches where we can let go of any doing and surrender to quiet. Sandwiched in between we enjoy gentle movement to replenish our energy, flowing simply and steadily through warriors and side-bends so we can soften, settle and sink into savasana leaving you feeling mellow.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips, hamstrings, spine
Props: Block, belt, bolster/ cushions / blankets
Date Recorded: 13/03/2021
Enjoy the best of both worlds with this slow flow that will create subtle warmth as we flow through lunge salutations interspersed with some yin-style holds to awaken and stretch the hamstrings, hips and spine. Savouring both the increased suppleness and a feeling of introspective relaxation as we sink into savasana.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Side stretching
Props: Block, belt, bolster/ cushions / blankets
Date Recorded: 20/03/2021
I love a good side bend! I started out practising predominantly ashtanga, which is a wonderful sequential system of postures that has countless therapeutic benefits. But in the sequence side-bending doesn't really feature anywhere near as much as forward folds and backbends so when I started regularly side-bending in vinyasa flow classes it was as if a dam had been busted around my torso! I felt like my trunk had a great big yawn! So come and join me to savour some side bends, release tension and breathe deeply so your torso and chest will smile open =)
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hamstrings and Shoulders
Props: 2 x Blocks and belt
Date Recorded: 27/03/2021
In this smooth flow we will give the hamstrings and shoulders a spring clean; using props to gently stretch out all compartments of the shoulders and each of the hamstrings so these hard-working parts of the body get some much deserved TLC. Finishing with some longer shoulder stretches so we can sigh our way into savasana.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Lower back
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 03/04/2021
After long days of sitting (or standing!) still, lifting and carrying our lower backs can sometimes grumble. So give your lower back a break with a slow and gentle flow that doesn't place any demands on the spine. Mellow out with lower body stretches, twists and folds to ease stiffness so you can soften and settle.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: All round
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 10/04/2021
In this wholesome flow we will take a tour around the body, releasing stagnation, stretching out the kinks and breathing in new energy so we are inspired to go with the flow of the Spring season and start anew =)
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Mindfulness mantra
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 17/04/2021
When our minds are busy it can feel difficult to let the body relax and to let the thoughts go. In this slow flow, take a moment to breathe, unplug and wind-down. We will move through sweeping flow with long-sighing breaths and the affirmation "I am right here, right now" so we can stay in the present moment and tap into our calm centre to find clarity and peace.
Style: Vinyasa (Slow) Flow
Length: 60 minutes
Focus: Hips, hamstrings, balance
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 24/04/2021
Stabilise and stretch away excess energy and settle your attention with a soothing slow flow for hips and hamstrings with a smattering of balances 🙂 Finishing with some restorative poses and a guided body scan savasana for extra oms x
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 04/04/2020
A run through of a modified primary series, including sun salutation A & B, standing postures, a selection of primary series (seated) postures and the finishing sequence.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 11/04/2020
Recorded from a LIVE stream class, this 90 min modified primary series includes 4x Sun Salutation A, 2x Sun salutation B, Standing postures and a selection of primary series postures, with back-bending, shoulderstand and dolphin to finish.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 18/04/2020
A 90 min modified Ashtanga primary series with a 4x Sun salutation A and 2x Sun salutation B plus standing and seated postures - with varied vinyasa to build extra arm and core strength, in preparation for headstand.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 25/04/2020
A modified primary series, finishing with back bends from the first half of the Ashtanga second series. Recorded from a LIVE stream on 2020-04-25
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 02/05/2020
A 90 minute modified primary series with some variations to prepare for the peak postures kurmasana and supta kurmasana.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Finishing Postures
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 09/05/2020
A 90 min Ashtanga modified primary series with Sun salutations, standing postures and a focus on the last half of the primary series sequence and all of the finishing postures.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Louts (Padmasana)
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 16/05/2020
A 90 min modified Ashtanga Primary series with 4 x Sun Salutation A, 3 x Sun salutation B with modifications to warm and stretch the hips and a sequence of standing and seated postures focusing on the hips to prepare for Padmasana (Lotus).
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Urdhva Dhanurasana
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 23/05/2020
A 90 min modified Ashtanga Primary series with 4 x Sun Salutation A, 2 x Sun salutation B with modifications to stretch out the shoulders, quadriceps and hip flexors in preparation for Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward facing bow). Back-bend variations and longer-held upward-facing dog are scattered throughout, finishing with shoulder stand and savasana.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Internal Subtleties
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 06/06/2020
A 90min Ashtanga primary series sequence with a focus on the internal body of bandhas, breath, drishti and vinyasa. Starting with a mindfulness meditation, 4 x sun salutation A 2x sun salutation B, Standing postures, a selection of seated postures and a finishing sequence including headstand.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Twists
Props: Block
Date Recorded: 13/06/2020
A 90 minute modified ashtanga primary series with a twist! There aren't a huge number of twists in the ashtanga primary series, so this sequence adds a few in so we can enjoy the benefit of extra circulation to the digestion and a boost to the metabolism.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Talk-through
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 20/06/2020
A 90 minute talk-through, including 4x sun salutation A, 2x sun salutation B, all the standing postures and the majority of seated primary series and finishing postures - missing a few vinyasas to save time!
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Cooler alternatives for hot days
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 27/06/2020
When the days are hot and you still want to practise, you may not feel like all of the heat that Ashtanga builds. So in this session we slow it down; taking a fusion approach to the standing postures (all on one side, then all on the other) and slowing down our seated postures with fewer vinyasas. Legs-up-the-wall (Viparita Karani) is offered as an alternative to shoulder stand; tips and breathing techniques are offered throughout so you can keep your cool =)
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Vinyasa: Lift-up, jump back and jump through
Props: 2 blocks
Date Recorded: 04/07/2020
In this session we break down the mechanics of the vinyasa; lifting up, jumping back and jumping through. We take lots of opportunity and variations to lift, building strength in the arms and core to start our floating journey =) Finishing with supported bridge to stretch out our hard-working hip flexors. Definitely a class to repeat!
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Balances
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 11/07/2020
In this session, we warm up with 4 x sun salutation A and 2x sun salutation B with some balance variations. We pop a few extra balances in the standing sequence including half moon, revolved half moon and bird of paradise and then we play with a couple of arm balances and finish with the traditional balances as part of the second half of the ashtanga primary series.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Side body
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 18/07/2020
In this session we explore stretching and lengthening the side body through the traditional trikonasana (triangle pose), parsvokanasana (side angled pose) as well as a few bonus standing side stretches =) Then taking time to explore a couple of seated variations of parighasana (gate pose) - feeling the lovely extra space in the lungs to take deep breaths.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Bakasana, baby bakasana and headstand
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 25/07/2020
In this session we build strength in the arms, shoulders and core and we stretch out the upper back in preparation for bakasana and baby bakasana! Finishing with a headstand and shoulder stand and a well-deserved savasana =)
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Staying grounded
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 01/08/2020
We feel different every day, mentally and physically. The repetition of ashtanga can help us identify these differences from day to day and observe. The repetition can soothe and release the mind. But sometimes we need to modify our practice, whether to adapt to our energy and needs or if we are recovering and need to adjust. So we will play with alternatives to the sun salutations, adjust the standing sequence and take grounded vinyasas to rest the wrists and gentle warm the body. Start your Saturday with a yoga smile!
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Moon Sequence: A gentle practise
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 08/08/2020
You may not expect to hear child's pose cued that often in an Ashtanga class, but tomorrow we'll follow on from the pace of last week, a little slower and gentler for when it's warm, on moon days or when you are a little low in energy. Staying close to the ground and moving just enough to feel good, always led by deep smooth ujjayi breath.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Half primary series
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 15/08/2020
Setting the intention to nurture the body, to take from the practise what the mind and body need. This is an alignment focused flow through 4x sun salutation A & 2x sun salutation B, all (bar 2!) of the standing postures and most of the first half of the primary series seated postures. Finishing with 3 x backbends and a short shoulder stand cycle.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Neck and Shoulder release
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 22/08/2020
Yoga is wonderful for many things including building strength in the shoulders, specifically the anterior deltoid at the front of the shoulder, from all those chaturangas! So in the session we add a few variations through the Ashtanga sequence to release any tightness within the shoulders and neck and bring some balance back to the shoulder girdle =)
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 100 minutes
Focus: Primary Series Talk-through
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 29/08/2020
In this session we cover the vast majority of the Ashtanga primary series and finishing postures (skipping a few postures and vinyasas). Setting the intention to be open to however you practise unfolds, without judgement or expectation.Flowing through the traditional sequence, with minimal cues so we can allow ourselves to just "be" in the posture. Finding stillness and allowing the energy and breath to equally ground and energise so we can find our stable centre, knowing that the postures don't change but our perspective can.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 100 minutes
Focus: Tittibhasana (Firefly)
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 05/09/2020
In this session we prepare for the arm balance Tittibhasana (firefly) - which is usually just a transition so worth spending a little bit longer exploring =) We warm up with 5x Sun salutation As and 3x Sun Salutation Bs (with modifications) and we include bird of paradise and Elephant's Trunk Pose (Eka Hasta Bhujasana) all to prepare the hips and shoulders. But always reminding ourselves that the postures isn't a goal; these challenging postures are similar to the road bumps in life; not always easy but that gives us a chance to reflect on how we respond and allows us to develop the skill and wisdom to accept whatever comes up, knowing we already have everything we need.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 100 minutes
Focus: Headstand
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 19/09/2020
In this session we add a little extra heat to the core with some variations to the sun salutations and vinyasas with the intention to prepare the core, arms and shoulders for headstand; both traditional and tripod. Knowing that the journey to headstand take patience and acceptance of wherever you are on the journey; cultivating the intention to accept whatever arises and embracing each new breath as a new beginning and new opportunity to reveal your potential.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 97 minutes
Focus: Hips
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 26/09/2020
In this session we open with some reclined hips stretches before moving onto 4 x sun salutation A and 3 x sun salutation B, with some extra hip stretches. The hips focus continues through the standing and seated postures as we gradually work deeper, releasing tightness by focusing on the breath and making the conscious decision to release tension. Finishing in lotus, enjoying all the deep release from the hips as we find peace with the breath.
Please note that there are some parts where the camera loses focus, but the focus does return so let the verbal cues guide you as you stay connected with the breath.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Alignment and leg rotation
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 03/10/2020
In this session we explore the inward and outward leg rotation in the standing and some seated postures to protect the lower back and how we can use the core to stay grounded and stable. Opening with some hamstring stretches, followed by sun salutations, standing postures and a small selection of seated postures - finishing with locust and bow pose before a final meditation and savasana.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Alignment and leg rotation
Props: 2 Blocks and belt
Date Recorded: 10/10/2020
In this session we add some extra drills to the sun salutations with plank, forearm plank, side plank and dolphin to build extra strength in the arms. Following the traditional standing postures we add in a bakasana (crane pose) before moving through some of the primary series, including the arm balance bhujapidasana (arm-press pose) before finishing with bridge and shoulder stand and a lovely savasana.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Backbends
Props: 2 Blocks and belt
Date Recorded: 17/10/2020
In this session we stretch out the side and front body in the shoulders, quads and hip flexors in preparation for backbends. The sun salutations are scattered with cobra, locust and camel to further prepare for the peak posture urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow) and there are a few variations in the standing potures to work deeper into the hips and shoulders. When we reach the peak posture urdhva dhanurasana, we use a belt and blocks to stabilise the shoulders and reduce the flexion in the wrists to help us lift into our lovely arced backbend. Finishing with some counter-poses to release any tension from the back before a well-deserved savasana.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Shoulder stand
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 24/10/2020
In this session we spend a little more time stretching out the shoulders and chest in preparation for shoulder stand, in which we use a belt to help keep the elbows in alignment. Vinyasas include a few different variations to fire up the core to help lift the body and legs into shoulder stand, which is a great restorative inversion for the legs and can help to calm the mind in preparation for savasana.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Blue Moon: A grounded practise
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 31/10/2020
This class was recorded on Halloween (ooooh) and on a blue moon (the second full moon in the month). The moon cycle influences our body, mind and energy; traditionally a full moon represents the peak energy, a culmination of all the effort and projects we started at the new moon. It's a time to reflect and observe, a time to release and let go of anything that is not nourishing our lives. But the high energy of full moon means we may not be in the best mindset to make decisions and start new things as we can be more reactive and flighty. So in this session we balance out the high energy of the full moon with some lunge salutations in place of traditional sun salutations and with modified standing series that allows us to stay close to the mat and cultivate the connection with the Earth. Moving through a selection of primary series seated postures before a final meditation where we affirm our openness to new opportunities and our courage to let go of anything no longer serving us.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Ashtanga primary series talk-through
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 07/11/2020
In this session we flow through the traditional ashtanga primary series sequence including 5 x sun salutation A / 3 x sun salutation B; standing postures and the vast majority of seated and finishing postures. Setting the intention to cultivate acceptance for what unfolds, just as it is. Affirming that there is no need to achieve or perfect; the discipline of this practise is to simply show up and stay open to what unfolds. Allowing the sequence to offer the opportunity of self-enquiry so we can accept ourselves, just as we are. Knowing that's it's still ok to have goals and to use our practise for self-improvement; but this motivation comes from a place of compassion and self-love, that any changes we aspire to make are to enrich us and bring us joy, not from a belief we are not deficient or lacking x
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Headstand
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 14/11/2020
In this practice we build strength in the core and shoulders so we are well prepared to attempt headstand. We build heat in the sun salutations with knee-chest planks and add variations to stretch the chest and armpits, which will aid a stable alignment in headstand. Modified vinyasas of sphinx, forearm plank and dolphin all further strengthen the core and shoulders. We break headstand down into stages, allowing you to stay and practise at the stage you feel most comfortable in. Then finishing with a few backbends before rest. Allowing ourselves to reflect on our practise without judgement. Knowing that we are not perfecting, just practising. Knowing that with challenging postures, giving it a go with an open mind is the only thing we need to do and with regular practise we build courage and confidence so we can approach these challenges with ease, knowing we have everything we need.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Vinyasa Transitions
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 21/11/2020
Ashtanga's full name is Ashtanga Vinyasa, vinyasa meaning synchronising movement with breath. So we can think of the ashtanga sequence as a flow of movement with breath and the postures are in fact just pauses within the flow. We move through 4x sun salutation A and 2 x sun salutation B and then flow through all the standing postures and a half-primary series, completing the practise with all the finishing postures and a nourishing savasana. We honour the transitions between postures and observe our movements to ensure we move with ease and efficiency so that no energy is unnecessarily expended, always saving some energy for ourselves x
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Bhujapidasana (Arm press pose) Arm Balance
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 28/11/2020
In this practise we focus on the hips and shoulders to prepare for the arm balance bhujapidasana (arm-press pose). Starting with some lizard sun salutations then some squat and eagle variations in the standing postures to work deeper into the hips and shoulders. Prepping with thread the needle and happy baby variations and some additional core work to target the adductors warm up the hips and thighs before breaking down the arm balance into stages. Finishing with some counter poses for the hips and groin before finishing with a supported bridge and a 10min savasana for deep rest.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Downward Facing Dog
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 05/12/2020
In this practise, we sample lots of different variations of downward dog throughout the standard ashtanga primary series sequence sequence, enabling us to access deeper stretches in the shoulders, hamstrings, hips and side body. We can then use this versatile, familiar posture to tailor our own practise and explore our own variations - another tool in our yoga belt =)
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Foot Focus
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 12/12/2020
In this practise we turn our attention to the feet - the foundations of our yoga practise but also vital for life! As we flow through the Ashtanga sequence, we observe how we distribute the weight through the feet in different postures and how we can shift and align our centre of gravity to find more stability and to cultivate a sense of connection to the earth beneath us.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: The fundamentals of Ashtanga
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 19/12/2020
In this final practise of 2020, we draw together the fundamental aspects of the asana practise as we flow through the sequence. Ashtanga means "8 limbs" and the postures (asanas) are just one limb. In brief - the 8 limbs are:
1. Yamas (5 social ethics; including kindness and moderation)
2. Niyamas (5 personal practises; including discipline, self-study and surrender)
3. Asanas (the physical postures)
4. Pranayama: mindful breathing (in ashtanga, the ujjayi breath)
5. Prathyahara: Turning inward
6. Dharana: Concentration - focus and attention
7. Dhyana: Dropping all effort and letting go
8. Samadhi: Bliss - complete harmony between the self and the universe
These fundamental limbs are threads that flow through our physical practise, but also once we step off the mat into life.
In this asana practise, we draw on the ujjayi breath to harness the prana (life-force); we engage the bandhas (energy locks) to enable to flow of prana through the body. We use the drishti (gaze) to focus our energy and attention so we can turn inward. We honour the vinyasas, the connection of movement and breath and therefore the breath and the body. And we are mindful of the alignment in the postures so we can practise safely but also to allow ourselves to experience the inward sensations, dropping the effort and letting go, all the while cultivating compassion and kindness to ourselves, being led by our personal exploration (self-study). Finishing with a 10 minute savasana =) Namaste wonderful yogis x
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Ease back in
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 02/01/2021
The first yoga class back after a break can sometimes feel a bit daunting! It can be difficult to detach from expectations and judgements, especially in a dynamic style such as Ashtanga. But our mat is a place of solace where we can be open to whatever unfurls without attachment to goals. A place where we can feel free to tailor to whatever we need. So this Ashtanga practise will ease you back in slowly, starting with gentle movements to warm up the body, before modified sun salutations and some modified standing postures. A well-rounded selection of seated postures enable us to stretch out the hips and hamstrings and spine. Finishing with bridge and shoulder stand before taking time to rest.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Shoulders and Upper Body
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 09/01/2021
Lots of sitting, typing, screen-gazing, driving, carrying can all build tension in the upper body so this Ashtanga practise incorporates some focussed stretches for the shoulders, neck and upper body scattered through the sequence. Starting with Sun salutations A and B with added eagle and humble warrior stretches and standing postures with additional options to bind for deeper release. Followed by seated postures with halasana (plough) vinyasas finishing with a shoulder stand. Release your upper body for deeper breaths and big smiles =)
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Core, jump-back, jump-through and headstand
Props: 2 Blocks and belt
Date Recorded: 16/01/2021
This practise is focused on firing up the core! Expect extra plank variations, mountain climbers and crunches as we flow through the traditional ashtanga sequence. We use blocks to help lift into and jump through our vinyasas. Finishing with a closer look at Sirsasana A (traditional bound ashtanga headstand) and Sirsasana B (tripod headstand) before concluding the practise with supported bridge, supported shoulderstand and an optional restorative posture for savasana.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Rolling postures and backbends
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 23/01/2021
In this practise we move fairly fluidly through the standing postures, learning some of the sanskrit posture names, often named after the function/body part of the posture. The seated postures include all of the "rolling around" postures - which you have to do with a smile =) Finishing with the some backbends from the Ashtanga second-series, peaking at Parsva ("side") dhanurasana ("bow"), before winding down with a short shoulderstand sequence, a long savasana and a lovely warm glow.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Pranayama (breathwork)
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 30/01/2021
Our breath can have a profound effect on our nervous system and therefore our physical and mental state. This is due to the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) parts of our autonomic nervous system. When we increase our inhales, or include breath retention (holding/pausing) after our inhale, the body prepares to act and the nervous system fires up the heart and muscles so it is energised. In contrast, longer exhales/breath retention after the exhale signals that it is safe to rest and the nervous system is soothed and the body starts to prepare for relaxation. This practise pairs the traditional ashtanga physical postures with a variety of different pranayama (breathing techniques) so we can feel the effects this has on the mind and body. This practise is a little calmer and slower that the conventional ashtanga pace, but it still builds heat and energy so a great practise if you still want to move but to create a sense of calm, which we can take through the rest of our day.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Bhujapidasana: Hips and Shoulders
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 06/02/2021
Bhujapidasana (arm press pose) is one of the peak arm balances of the Ashtanga primary series and requires hip and shoulder mobility to enable you to comfortably wrap your legs around your arms...and strength in arms and core to stay lifted! So this practise focuses on warming up the hips and shoulders with lizard variations, arm binds and strengthening vinyasas so when the time comes, you will be best-prepared to give this arm balance a go =)
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Chair Yoga
Props: A chair (without wheels!) Block and belt
Date Recorded: 13/02/2021
I am a huge advocate of using props to support my practise; whether that is to aid modifications or to deepen stretches to add a new perspective to familiar postures. So in this practise we follow the ashtanga sequence using the chair throughout as we move through sun salutations, standing postures, seated postures, vinyasas and inversions. So grab a chair (as long as it doesn't have wheels!) and prepare to go on a journey of discovery =)
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Vinyasa Pick-ups
Props: 2 blocks & belt
Date Recorded: 20/02/2021
The ashtanga vinyasas of picking-up, jumping back and floating through are challenging and complex and can take years of practise (I am still practising!). One way of mastering any posture is to just keep repeating and practising over and over. In addition, an understanding of the mechanics of the posture/movement needed is helpful to build an understanding of the requirements of the body so similar moves/shapes can be found in similar transitions/postures so the body can prepare using more accessible alternatives. So in this practise we take a closer look at the mechanics of the vinyasa pick-ups and build strength in the arms, core, and hip flexors by finding similar movements in an alternative vinyasa of purvottanasana (eastern stretch) swinging to paschimottanasana (western stretch) using blocks, as well as practising lolasana (pendant). This will prepare the body by conditioning strength and practising the swing!
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 100 minutes
Focus: Primary Series Talk-Through
Props: 2 blocks & belt
Date Recorded: 27/02/2021
In this practise we flow through 5x sun salutation A / 3 x Sun salutation B, all of the standing postures and the vast majority of seated primary series postures. Finishing with backbends and an inversion of your choice (headstand/shoulder stand) before meditation. Throughout the sequence we cultivate a sense of ease and cultivate the energy and qualities needed in the present moment to find balance and harmony.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 97 minutes
Focus: Alternate sun salutations and vinyasas
Props: Block & belt
Date Recorded: 06/03/2021
Sometimes we can have niggles and old injuries in the body which we need to be mindful of when we practise. I personally have an old wrist injury and sometimes it niggles; meaning that weight-bearing is painful. In these times when I still want a robust practise but have to skip the traditional sun salutations and vinyasas, I have to be creative! So this practise replaces chaturanga - upward facing dog - downward facing dog with forearm plank and sphinx and extended puppy pose. The vinyasas in the primary series are replaced with a variety of boat poses (navasana) and bridge. Rounding the practise off with upward facing bow (if the wrists allow!) shoulder stand and headstand before relaxing into savasana.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 95 minutes
Focus: Side Bends and Twists
Props: Block & belt
Date Recorded: 13/03/2021
In the Ashtanga sequence there are only 2 twists in the standing postures (Parivrtta Trikonasana and Parivrtta parsvakonasana) and 2 in the seated primary series (Marichyasana C and D). There are only 2 side bends (Trikonasana and Parsvakonasana) in the standing sequence and no side bends in the seated primary series. As our Western culture involves lots of sitting our spine can be prone to losing mobility if we don't move it in all directions: forwards, backwards, sideways and rotating in twists. So this Ashtanga practise incorporates additional side bends and twists, using the traditional sequence as a template. For me, releasing tension from the spine is wonderful for keeping it supple and health and they are also really invigorating and energising! So prepare to feel awakened!
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Strengthening the back
Props: 2 x Blocks/hand weights/tins of beans!(all optional) & belt
Date Recorded: 20/03/2021
In this practise we balance out the back body! In dynamic styles of yoga such as Ashtanga there is a lot of pushing action in the chaturangas, which is great for strengthening the front of the shoulders (pecs, anterior deltoids). But in yoga there isn't a huge amount of pulling action, which you would get from activities such as rock climbing, rowing etc. So if yoga is all you do (like me!) then this may mean there could be an imbalance in the shoulder girdle and your back body could be underworked. Lots of sitting and rounding forward may also over-stretch the muscles of back and could lead to back pain; so this Ashtanga practise will balance out any underworking/over-stretch by working the back body with some modified standing postures and vinyasas including a variety of locust poses...maybe with the use of weights if you have a couple of tins of beans spare!
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Hamstrings
Props: 2 x Blocks & belt
Date Recorded: 27/03/2021
We have 3 hamstrings in each leg and the Ashtanga primary series is dominated by hamstring and hips stretches, but it can be tricky to stretch the inner and outer hamstrings with the central hamstring often taking the limelight. So in this Ashtanga practise we vary the angle of the leg and foot in some of the traditional postures to enable us to find those more furtive stretches. If you are tight in the hamstrings, definitely have a couple of blocks and a belt to hand!
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Yin and yang
Props: Blocks, belt, bolster/pile of cushions
Date Recorded: 03/04/2021
As with everything, we are always seeking balance. In yoga, we are looking for a balance between strength and flexibility; between effort and ease; and between yin and yang. Ashtanga is a dynamic yang style of yoga and too much yang in your practise can leave you feeling fatigued whereas too much yin style can cause energy to stagnate. So this Ashtanga practise includes the sun salutations, standing postures, headstand and backbends before moving onto yin-style longer holds, which are very therapeutic and beneficial for the connective tissue (fascia) as well as balancing energy of the nervous system. Have some props handy for the yin: a bolster/pile of pillows/cushions/blankets so you can ease in and hold the stillness; leaving you feeling balanced and refreshed.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Grounded practise for moon days
Props: Block & belt
Date Recorded: 10/04/2021
In the Ashtanga tradition, we practise 6 days a week and take a rest day. We also rest on 2 moon days each month; new moon and full moon. At the full moon our energy is high, like the peak of the inhale, and we need to be mindful not to push ourselves too hard so we can avoid the risk of injury. At the New Moon our energy is low, like the bottom of an exhale, so we need to be mindful to honour any low energy/fatigue to again avoid the risk of injury. So this practise is for around the new moon days when our energy may be lower but we still want to practise. This practise follows the framework of the Ashtanga sequence but modifies the sun salutations and vinyasas with lolasana lifts and ustrasana backbends and modifying the standing postures by keeping the knees down so we stay close to the ground, nurturing the connection and stability of the earth. Finishing the primary series and closing postures with a seated meditation to seal in the calm and peace.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Energetic flow (Vayus)
Props: Block & belt
Date Recorded: 17/04/2021
Prana (Life-force energy) can be subdivided into 5 energetic components called Vayus (winds) which describe distinct qualities, functions and directional flows of Prana. If a Vayu becomes imbalanced, it can lead to dis-harmony and ill-health both physically and mentally By bringing awareness and focus to these energetic qualities/directions of energy flow, the Vayus can be controlled and cultivated so we can create optimal health and well-being and deepen our awareness of our body and breath . This Ashtanga practise moves through the Ashtanga sequence and focusses on 3 of the 5 vayus, with an emphasis on preparing for Urdhva Dhanurasana in the finishing sequence.
1. Prana-Vayu: The inward and upward flow of energy (stimulated by ujjayi breath and backbends)
2. Apana-Vayu: The downward and outward flow of energy (stimulated by forward bends and seated twists and engaging mula bandha)
3. Vyana-Vayu: The movement of energy from the centre to the periphery of the body (stimulated by breath retention and sun salutations).
Complete mastery over the Vayus is not necessary to benefit from using them to improve our health, inward focus and the ability to feel the subtleties within the body. Cultivating a basic awareness of one or more of the Vayus will help us deepen our awareness of body and breath to enrich our yoga practice and achieve our greatest potential.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Rocket
Props: Block & belt
Date Recorded: 24/04/2021
Rocket is a style of yoga based on the Ashtanga sequence. Its founder, Larry Schultz, spent many years practicing the primary series of Ashtanga in a mysore style but became frustrated with not being able to move on; the next pose in the Ashtanga sequence is traditionally given after mastering the one prior, so if you become stuck on a posture, it can take a long time to develop your practice - everyone’s physiology is different after all. And so a new style of yoga was born. Based on the Ashtanga sequence, Rocket blends postures from the primary, secondary and third series into a really fun (but equally challenging!) practice. There are are a few Rocket sequences and this practice focusses on arm balances, so prepare to fly!
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Use of props
Props: 2 x blocks
Date Recorded: 01/05/2021
In this practise we use blocks to vary and emphasise the alignment of some standing and seated postures so we can notice the subtle changes in sensation in the hamstrings and hips. We use a block to build strength in the back muscles, the core and to extend our arms in the vinyasa pick-ups! Finally we use the blocks in urdhva dhanurasana; placing the blocks under the hands can help if you are tight in the arms and shoulders, whilst placing the blocks underneath the feet can help if you are tight in the hip flexors and quads. This class will encourage you to use props to support and enhance your practise and maybe you will be curious to find a new way to spice up your practice x
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 100 minutes
Focus: Full Primary Series
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 08/05/2021
In this practice we stay traditional starting with 5 x Sun Salutation A and 3 x Sun Salutation B then through all of the standing, seated primary series and finishing postures. We take (optional) vinyasas between postures and vinyasas for the second half of the primary series are omitted so we can squeeze it all in! As you flow through the practise, allow your focus to settle onto the breath. Let go of goals, expectations and any need to strive for perfection. Tailor your practise to suit how you feel in this moment and give yourself a huge pat on the back for having the commitment and discipline to show up. And if you have the time, stay in savasana for as long as you can for a well-deserved rest.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Chakrasana (Wheel) backward-roll vinyasa
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 15/05/2021
Chakrasana (wheel) is a backward-roll that serves as the vinyasa at 3 points in the ashtanga sequence after postures where you have been lying on your back. It appears once at the end of the primary series after Supta padangusthasana and then twice in the finishing postures after urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow) and salamba sarvangasana (shoulderstand). This pose can feel tricky to master and we need flexibility in the spine, shoulders and hamstrings to enable us to full roll-over with control so this practise includes some prep for these areas, as well as a breakdown of the posture and several opportunities to practise it. But it is not a transition to be rushed or forced; it's imperative we stay mindful of any pressure in the neck and just take it to where you feel comfortable today. With time and practise, the transition will unfurl =)
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Arm Rotation
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 22/05/2021
In this Ashtanga practise we examine the arm rotation in more detail in each of the postures, noticing the subtle difference it can make to the sensation in the neck and shoulders. The majority of the postures employ an outward arm rotation and maintaining the intended arm rotation can ease pressure in the neck and shoulders and create space across the collar-bone area of the chest allowing deeper breaths and a sense of ease.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Using the wall to support postures
Props: A wall! Block and belt
Date Recorded: 29/05/2021
In this Ashtanga practise we garner support from a trusty wall! This unassuming prop can help to strengthen, stabilise and deepen our postures. So the first part of this practise we flow through the sun salutations and standing postures, using the wall to re-affirm some fundamental postural alignment cues. We can also use the wall to support us as we relax, which is exactly what we do for the last part of the practise by giving our legs a well-deserved rest with some yin-style wall based postures to restore the legs and deepen stretches for the hips and hamstrings.
Style: Ashtanga
Length: 90 minutes
Focus: Traditional Sequence
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 05/06/2021
In this Ashtanga practise we work through the standard Ashtanga sequence with no added frills =) Starting with Sun salutations and followed by standing postures then moving onto the primary series, covering most of the postures and closing with the finishing postures and a seated meditation.