Vinyasa Flow: Soothing Shoulderstand

Vinyasa Flow: Soothing Shoulderstand

Style: Vinyasa Flow
60 minutes
Block, Belt & Blanket(s)
Date Recorded:
In this practise we shine a light on Shoulderstand, which is a really therapeutic posture that brings a whole host of benefits for the mind and body; it aids digestion, improves circulation for the upper body and brain, helps relieve headaches, relieves swollen legs, boosts your immune system, reduces fatigue, relieves insomnia, calms the mind...the list goes on! Iyengar describes it as the mother of all asanas. In sanskrit shoulderstand is called Sarvangasana which means Sarva = entire/whole Anga = organ/body part. Iyengar says this full body pose "strives for harmony and happiness in the human system" and I think we all need a bit of that at the we will build strength in the core and stretch the shoulders and hamstrings so we can safely lift into and hold shoulderstand and enjoy the soothing benefits standing on our shoulders 🙂 x
