Preparing for class

Preparing for class

To ensure you get maximum enjoyment from the class, there are a few things that will help you prepare:

  • Wear comfortable clothing that you can easily move in; nothing too tight or restrictive.
  • It is better to practice barefoot so you can grip the mat, or you can wear special yoga socks (with grip dots)
  • Ideally you should practise yoga on an empty stomach (e.g. 3 hours after food)
  • Bring some warm clothing to wear for the relaxation at the end of the class
  • If you have any illness or injuries, check with your GP to make sure you are safe to practise
  • Bring your own mat if you have one, but we do have mats at the studio that you can use
  • Before your first class, we will ask you to fill out a health questionnaire.  This is available at the studio (please arrive at least 5 mins before class to complete this) or you can download the Health Questionnaire and Disclaimer and bring it to class.

We are all gloriously different and have our own path to follow so listen to and honour your body, don’t compare yourself to anyone else, this is your personal journey and you are exactly where you need to be.  Back off from the posture if there is any pain/discomfort and always maintain a smooth, flowing breath.

During some classes I may physically adjust you to ensure safe alignment and/or to deepen your stretch in the pose.  If you prefer not to be adjusted, or the adjustment feels too strong, then just let me know.

But most important of all – enjoy yourself!  Any questions?  Just ask 😉