Beginners Course Resources

Introduction to Yoga Basics

Over the six weeks we will break down the fundamentals of a well-rounded yoga practice: asanas (physical postures) and body alignment, movement and transitions, pranayama (breathing techniques), basic meditation and some philosophy and history of yoga. The course will help you build strength, flexibility, improve posture, balance and mental focus whilst practising in a relaxed and friendly group setting. Once you’ve completed the course you will have the experience, confidence and knowledge to attend the open level yoga class and start to build a regular yoga practice.

Course structure: The beginners yoga course is taught in a six week sequence. Each class will include a complete basic yoga practice with emphasis on the themes outlined below (follow the links for each week) and each week’s theme is supported by the course material below:

What is Yoga?

Week 1: Introduction to meditation & Sun salutations

The following videos can be used to practise the sun salutations and the ujjayi breathing technique, and give yourself a treat after with a guided relaxation 🙂

Week 2: Forward bending and seated postures

Week 3: Twisting and balancing

Week 4: Heart-openers and back bending

Week 5: Introduction to inversions

Week 6: A typical class with pranayama (breathing) and meditation techniques

Below are pictures of the full Ashtanga sequence in order:

Sun Salutations A & B

Standing postures / Ashtanga primary series (the seated postures) / Finishing sequence