When I was first invited to set an intention at the start of a yoga class, I didn’t really understand what it meant or how to do it. I mean […] Setting an IntentionThis entry was posted in Yoga and tagged Energetic Intention Intention Yoga Intention on May 14, 2021 by Yoga Bradford
Factors contributing towards stiffness The definition of flexibility is the ability to move the limbs and trunk through a full range of motion with resistance. One of the main passive/non-contractile […] Why do we feel stiff and what can we do ...This entry was posted in Flexibility Yoga on October 18, 2013 by Yoga Bradford
What is the difference between yoga and other exercise regimes? In the current western culture, Yoga and exercise are popular ways to stay in shape but the two have a […] What is the difference between yoga and exercise?This entry was posted in Exercise Yoga on October 12, 2013 by Yoga Bradford
Is Yoga a religion? To discuss whether Yoga is a religion, it is first necessary to understand the origin and definition of both religion and Yoga. The definitions, according to […] Is Yoga a religion?This entry was posted in Philosophy Religion Yoga and tagged Religion Yoga on October 11, 2013 by Yoga Bradford