Vinyasa Flow: Pincha Mayurasana (a.k.a Forearm stand)

Vinyasa Flow: Pincha Mayurasana (a.k.a Forearm stand)

Style: Vinyasa Flow
Length:  60 minutes
Focus: Shoulders, hamstrings, core
Props: Block and belt
Date Recorded: 11/06/2020
In this session we will play with pincha mayurasana (peacock feather pose) a.k.a forearm stand because this is probably one of my favourite arm balances! I think it's because it has taken me years (more than I can actually remember!) to feel confident in this posture and to find a sense of steadiness (and dare I say ease) and even now I don't catch it 100% of the time! So the session isn't actually about the full expression of the posture (although there will be an opportunity to try if you fancy!) we will instead start the journey to this arm balance and prepare the body and the mind. We not only need strength in the shoulders/arms/core but also flexibility in the chest/armpits/triceps and hamstrings, (which helps to kick up). For me, these preparatory stages were essential to incorporate into my regular practice; and then when the time comes to try and kick up, we are best prepared and we can calm our nerves knowing we have everything we need. For me, this journey was definitely a lesson in patience and perseverance. And also one of non-attachment! The first time I managed to hold for a few breaths without bending over backwards I was chuffed! It reaffirmed my faith in the journey. But then when I attempted it in my next practice and got nowhere near I was gutted. Maybe it was a one-off fluke that I would never repeat...and catching ourselves in the middle of these thought-patterns allows us to observe and dig deeper into these reactions and stories that we tell ourselves. And once we can start detaching from goals as the reward for our practice and instead see them as pathways that can guide us, it makes the whole practice experience more enjoyable. We may catch some fancy postures along the way but the real challenge is the commitment to show up on our mat and accept whatever arises without judgement and this mindset is a really liberating tool we can take off the mat. When we let go of the criticism and hard goals we can be more present and can focus on all the wonderful things we already have.
